Agricultural Clean Technology Program Of Canada And Sundawg Solar
July 20, 2021

Marie-Claude Bibeau, the federal Minister of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), has introduced a new program, named the Agricultural Clean Technology Program (ACTP). This program is part of the climate plan, a Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy, aiming to create more jobs by introducing environmentally-friendly programs.
The ACTP program aims to help farmers adapt and develop green technologies by providing them with funding. It helps to enhance the competitiveness of Canadian farmers and agri-businesses. This program is an extension of the previously introduced ACTP in 2018 that represented a $25 million investment over three years.
The recently announced Agricultural Clean Technology Program provides cost-sharing funds of 50% to for-profit farms, 75% to not-for-profit, and 60% to farms owned by under-represented groups (women, youth aged 35 and under, indigenous groups, visible minorities, or persons with disabilities.) Funding is available for projects valued at $50,000 or more. The amount of funding is limited to $2 million per project.
What Is The Purpose Of ACTP?
The main purpose of the ACTP program is to support the development and adoption of green and clean technology such as solar. These technologies will help achieve sustainable growth in Canada’s Agri sector and reduce carbon emissions. Such new incentives from the Federal Government, along with lower equipment costs, have made investments in solar more attractive than ever. The program is divided into two streams:
- Research And Innovation Stream
- The Adoption Stream
Research And Innovation Stream
This stream prioritizes near market-ready technologies, including research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities. Such technologies have the potential to reduce greenhouse gases through green energy and efficiency. This stream is an aggregate of up to $50 million over a period of seven years, ending on March 31, 2028. The maximum amount of one project shouldn’t exceed $2 million with $5 million being the max for multiple projects. The eligible applicants for this stream are as follows:
- For-profit organizations
- Not-for-profit organizations
- Indigenous groups
Ineligible applicants of this stream include:
- Academic institutions
- Crown corporations
- The federal government
- Foreign governments
For more information on the eligible activities of The Research And Innovation Stream, click here.
The Adoption Stream
The Adoption Stream is an aggregate of up to $100 million for over five years, ending on March 31, 2026. This stream helps to purchase commercially available clean and green technologies for on-farm and agri-food sector participants. The eligible applicants for this stream are as follows:
- For-profit organizations
- Not-for-profit organizations
- Individuals
- Indigenous groups
For more information on the eligible activities of The Adoption Stream, click here.
Solar For ACTP
The Agricultural Clean Technology Program is a great opportunity to go green by installing solar panels and adopting this new technology to power farms. Such solar systems will help in the daily activities of agricultural lands such as watering systems, grain drying, barn heating, ventilation, farm equipment, and sensors.
These systems can help decrease your energy bills and equipment costs while maintaining the same amount of work. For example, a typical farm system in 2019 would have cost more with taxes and rebates and paid for itself in 12-15 years. With today’s equipment costs and the new program, the same system would cost $10,000 to $20,000 less and pay for itself in 6-10 years.
Sundawg Solar Being A Part Of ACTP
Solar power installation is a part of the eligible activities for the Research And Innovation and Adoption Stream to respond to environmental sustainability. Sundawg Solar is actively taking part in this program with a new revised proposal that reflects affordable prices. We provide residential, commercial, and rural solar solutions, especially for farmers in Saskatchewan.
We know that our rural customers have more electrical needs and need to operate equipment for grain dryers, water pumps, barn ventilation, and welders. The ACTP is a great opportunity for farmers to turn to a better and more environmentally friendly solution while saving money and running their business. For more information and to learn more about solar power installation, contact us here.