Saskatchewan’s Top-Rated Commercial Solar Panel Company

We are Saskatchewan's top-rated commercial solar panel company. We provide the finest commercial solar panel installation services to our commercial customers in Saskatchewan. So if you want to make a smart investment with your savings and want to play a role in making this planet a livable place, then call us today to get a solar panel system installed on your commercial building.

Just as owning good commercial real estate is an excellent long-term investment, investing in a solar system for your commercial building is also a worthy investment that can save your business money. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today and play your role in making this world a better place to live.

Fixed Predictable Solar Panel System Costs

With the ever-growing demand for electricity, the cost of power goes up each year at a relatively consistent rate of 3-6%. But if you install solar panel systems on your commercial buildings, you won’t have to worry about the cost of electricity.

As with our high-quality commercial solar energy system, the cost of producing the same amount of electricity consists of your original capital investment and the minimal maintenance required by the solar panel system.

With our solar panel system installed on your commercial property, you can lock in your energy rates for the next 25-30 years. Moreover, remember that for a typical system, this effective cost per kWh is below today’s current energy rate.


How Does A Commercial Solar Panel System Work?

A commercial solar panel system works on the same principles as residential solar systems. The only difference is that commercial solar systems consist of large solar panel systems as compared to residential solar systems.

  • A commercial solar panel system generates DC electricity, which is converted into AC electricity.
  • The energy generated from solar systems powers your business first.
  • If your commercial property requires more electricity, then the extra energy is imported from the grid.

Solar Panel Systems And Public Image

Nowadays everyone is trying their best to take steps that are environmentally friendly. Now in this hyper-connected world, your brand is more important than ever. The best way to set yourself apart from everyone else is by showing that you are a forward-thinker.

When you install a commercial solar panel system, you show your customers that your business is energy conscious and wants to positively impact the community. Installing a commercial solar panel system will not only improve your public image but also help you play an important role in making this world a better place to live.

Tax Incentives

The most significant advantage of installing a commercial solar panel system is that the federal government now allows for accelerated capital depreciation for corporations. This one step from the government further reduces the payback period on an already attractive long-term investment. Shifting to clean energy becomes easier and more affordable with such tax incentives.

Small investments are one thing that most businesses depend on. So by investing in commercial solar panel systems, you will be able to produce your own power and save money while doing it.

Spend less and earn more by going solar with Sundawg Solar.